You have goals- lose weight, get in shape, feel good. But what are you doing to achieve those goals? What steps are you taking to get there?
The goal is the desired end result. And we all want to get from point A to point B, but we are not Dorothy with magic ruby slippers. We have to do something to move from point A to point B. It usually takes some work- ie exercising, eating right.
The things we do to get to the goal are called HABITS. Habits are things we do on a daily basis, like brushing our teeth or taking a shower. We can have good habits and bad habits. Again, a habit (whether good or bad) is something we do every day. It’s part of our routine.
Imagine yourself as standing at the starting line of a race. Every good habit brings you a step forward towards the finish line. Every bad habit takes you a step back. Every day you do a good habit you get to take a step forward. Maybe you miss a day so you stand still. Imagine not doing anything for several days maybe even month. You’ve stood still for that long. Or even worse. Maybe we started a good habit and did that really well for a week, so we took lots of steps forward and then the bad habits came back, so we went right back to the starting line. Are you starting to see a pattern? Does some of this seem familiar?
So here’s what it comes down to:
🙌We have goals
👍We need healthy habits to achieve them
👊AND we need to do them CONSISTENTLY
Create healthy habits and do them consistently. Whether that is simply to start by adding more vegetables to every meal or taking a daily walk to get more activity in your day. Start small, but START somewhere and just keep doing that thing EVERY DAY. Choose something that you know you can do successfully at least 90% of the week. And when that one thing becomes more automatic, then build on it.
Habits can move us forward or backward. Good habits done every day are what will bring you closer to your goal. Building healthy and sustained habits can be as easy as starting with eating more veggies or adding 20 mins of daily activity to your routine.
If you’ve read this far- thank you and ask yourself this- Are YOU consistent in your actions towards your goals? Do you have a plan to help you get there? If you’d like to jumpstart your healthy habits and be consistent in reaching your goals, then join me for my new challenge group starting June 8th. Contact me for details and to sign up or comment below. It’s time to win the race and best version of you! 🙌